+49 (0) 3334 81924-0 service@cartheia-solarcarport.de
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CARTHEIA solar carports for public and company car parks

Fast assembly thanks to modular design

High-quality steel and minimalist design

The CARTHEIA solar carport impresses with its quality & design. Its space-saving construction is corrosion-resistant thanks to hot-dip galvanised steel. Thanks to the smart modular design, CARTHEIA can be erected quickly and the carports can be combined with each other. Also suitable for roofing larger commercial car parks. CARTHEIA is manufactured by umetec GmbH two decades of expertise in steel construction.

Get to know the CARTHEIA models now
CARTHEIA DOUBLE Solar Carport Frontview

Flexible expansion of car parking spaces

Solar carport SINGLE

The space saving solution

CARTHEIA SINGLE mit E-Bikes und E-Auto
  • with cantilever roof
  • free-standing construction.
  • 2 car parking spaces
  • capacity 6 kWp
  • 3 rows à 5 panels = 15 panels
  • 4.15 / 5.62 / 5.90 m (H/W/L)
Solar carport DOUBLE

For larger parking areas

CARTHEIA DOUBLE PV Parkplatzüberdachung
  • with trough roof
  • free-standing construction
  • 4 car parking spaces
  • capacity 12 kWp
  • 6 rows à 5 panels = 30 panels
  • 4.10 / 5.62 m / 11.77 (H/W/L)
PV-Modul Montage auf Solarcarport
Clear costing and service

You take care of your projects – we take care of your solar carport

The planning and construction of a CARTHEIA solar carport requires the co-operation of various specialists. Our project management offers you an All-in-One Service and support you in all construction phases on request. In this way, your project is realised efficiently and stress-free: from the building application and assembly to the installation of the photovoltaic components. Of course with a clear cost calculation.

Profit from our All-in-One Service
Ideal for businesses, industry, and local authorities

Solar charging service in car parks is the customer service of the future!

E-mobility is growing. Solar charging options are a sought-after customer service. The CARTHEIA solar carport increases the attractiveness of your company car parks - and creates competitive advantages. Make optimum use of your car parks CARTHEIA is the efficient solar carport solution for companies, businesses and local authorities.

Discover the advantages of CARTHEIA
Wallbox in Carport mit PV-Anlage

CARTHEIA with high-performance panels

Solar carports for companies and local authorities switch to renewable energy now!

Request a quotation