Subsidies and profitability
How long does it take for CARTHEIA to amortise?
The amortisation period of the solar carport depends on various factors, such as your own consumption, your electrical base load, the regional electricity prices and the desired equipment.
A calculation based on average figures gives an amortisation period of around 9-10 years if CARTHEIA is used to its full extent. This amortisation period takes into account the purchase of the carport and the installed photovoltaic solar system (including its components). After that, you will be in the so-called profit zone for more than 10 more years.
What subsidies can I apply for?
The Renewable Energy Sources Act 2023 (EEG) provides profitable photovoltaic subsidies from the federal government, the federal states and local authorities as well as the EU. We will be happy to advise you. You can also find more information in the funding database of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).
How high is the remuneration for electricity fed into the public grid?
The level of remuneration is regulated by the Renewable Energy Sources Act 2023 (EEG). The current value is 8.2 cents net/kWh. This applies to newly constructed systems up to 10 kWp. For full feed-in without self-consumption, the amount is even 13 cents net/kWh. 100 per cent of the nominal output may be fed into the grid.
How many CO2 emissions are saved by the solar carport?
CARTHEIA not only contributes to savings in electricity costs, but is also sustainable in that it produces clean energy.
The amount of CO2 emissions saved by CARTHEIA depends on various factors, such as the size and number of photovoltaic panels used. An estimate of the savings can be made accurately based on the solar energy produced and the amount of electricity consumed.